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Bronze Membership
$120 / Month
1 Training Session per Week​
4 Training Sessions per Month
1 Scrimmage per Month
Basketball Training Programs
Silver Membership
$220 / Month
2 Training Sessions per Week​
8 Training Sessions per Month
2 Scrimmages per Month
Gold Membership
$280 / Month
3 Training Sessions per Week​
12 Training Sessions per Month
2 Scrimmages per Month
Location: 14522 Myford Rd, Irvine, CA 92606
Training Sessions: Monday - Friday
5:30 - 6:30
Scrimmages: Friday/Saturday
Our teams are tailored for children of all ages, with the goal of applying the skills they learn in practice and training during official games. Each player will be assigned to a team based on their age and will work alongside professional coaches to receive the necessary tools for success.
Private Training
Custom-Tailored Individual Training Sessions
$50 / Hour
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